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In the Press

Annette Groves has been featured in the press and media several times on various community
issues. Please take a look to see the articles surrounding Annette's work in the Town of
Caledon, where she successfully advocated for the residents of Caledon. Looking for an
impeccable track record? Annette is well respected and highly accomplished. See for yourself,
and don't forget to subscribe at the bottom of the page for email updates

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“I believe that I have a very good understanding of what the Town of Caledon’s needs are, what our residents’ needs are, and certainly my experience I believe is something that is significant when looking at running a town,” said Groves.

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“We have such a supportive community here in Caledon. The Caledon Cruisers and Annette Groves and the Town (of Caledon) have always been so supportive of us,” said Sevigny (Executive Director of Caledon Meals-On-Wheels)


There were numerous people in attendance with direct family ties to George Bolton or his relatives, a fact that received cheers when brought up.

“It really is nice to see so many families that have been here… that’s related to George Bolton,” said Groves.

She said the Bicentennial Committee did an amazing job on the event and thanked them for their hard work.

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Get out your poodle shirt and bobby socks for a Return to Happy Days event in Bolton on May 14.
The Caledon Cruisers, with the help of the Bolton Village Resident's Association and Annette Groves, is hosting an event with live bands and a classic car show.
The event will feature Chandra Ray Disco Daze and Bell Hops R&R playing music from the '50s, '60s and '70s.

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Councillor Annette Groves, who supports rescinding Bill 124, posted on social media her thoughts on Council’s decision and the Bill.
“It was very disappointing to hear the comments from certain members of Council with all their excuses why they would not support rescinding Bill 124,” Groves posted. “This is a Bill passed by Doug Ford and his cronies to suppress the wages of public sector employees at one per cent over three years. This Bill affects our nurses who have been working tirelessly only to be insulted by Doug Ford in freezing their wages at one per cent.”


“We don’t want to wait for that tsunami because it’s almost here,” said Coun. Annette Groves. “And I think it’s just around the corner. Often times what I see, and I really don’t like it, is we react. And every time we react … it’s too late.”


Councillor Annette Groves's proposal that the Region of Peel accept the donation, which regional council voted in favour of in October 2020.


When municipal councillor Annette Groves talks to people in her ward in Caledon, Ont., she hears about the desperate need for housing. 
Groves says she was brought to tears recently by a mother who fled an abusive relationship with her children and is now facing eviction.
"There's just not enough units available, there's just not enough housing," she said. "The pandemic has now brought that out even more to the forefront, that people just can't afford to live where they're living."


“The Rapid Housing Initiative funding, along with funding provided by the Region of Peel, will allow Armagh to double their number of beds and programming space over the next year to be a safe place to live for more women and children experiencing domestic violence,” said Caledon regional Coun. Annette Groves in the news release.


We have seen many fatalities on Highway 50 that have prompted a grass roots movement to improve safety on a busy road between Caledon and Brampton.
“I want safety measures put in because I’m tired of having people dying on Highway 50,” says Caledon councillor Annette Groves.  “It’s a death trap!”

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